CAF donations

CAF donations

The Charities Aid Foundation (or CAF) provides individuals with a secure account that can be used to specifically support charities operating in the UK and overseas. To make a donation to a charity using a CAF account the simplest way is to use the registered charity number and this can be done  via CAF's online system.

Although all CofE churches are charities, many are not registered with the Charities Commission and are instead considered as 'exempt'. This simply means they have not yet reached the mandatory level of income required to register.

CAF users can still make a donation using their CAF account to exempt charities. To do this you will need to contact CAF on 03000 123 000 and  provide them with the name of the church and contact details for the treasurer so they can confirm the charitable status of the church. You can either contact the church directly to obtain these or tap the button below to register your details. These will be sent to the church treasurer and they will make contact with you to provide the information you need.

Register my details
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